Equines, Canines, and a Ranting Irishman

So, I think yesterday was a full moon, and I suppose TS Alberto blew in some pheromones from the equator or something. Ms. Howard, as usual, turned Waking Ambrose into a bordello, and dragged me down with her. I highly recommend both of these sites, but keep the debauchery at Ms. Howard's. She thoroughly enjoys and welcomes it. For my part, being the good Christian boy that I am, I have decided to fulfill my penitence in the form of a more humble avatar. I don't know how long it will be up, but I have a feeling it is very much in order. How did we go from the death of Zarqawi to a cyber mating ritual? It all started in the defense of a beautiful, firecracker named, Ann...
So, back to some real posting.
Since returning from the Reservation, we have had quite the veterinarian medicine journey. As usual, it has been a crash course. A couple of days with the horses; learning to assess, handle, and ride these beautiful creatures along with some basic veterinary care. We also trained with some military working dogs, even allowing ourselves to be attacked. We also ran two vet clinics for the schoolhouse where any military personnel and/or spouse brought in their pets for vaccines, and treatments. Thursday our training will culminate with an exam, and a good old-fashioned bar-b-q. Then I will officially have graduated and received my MOS of 18D. We were supposed to know our Group and Language Assignments by now, but Mother Army has been making several changes to the training pipeline, so we're in a holding pattern for now. All I have left now is Language school, Robin Sage, and S.E.R.E.
This past weekend, I once again made a solo seakayaking trip. Just an onvernighter, but I decided against a rudder in order to refine my paddling skills. Let's just say I need more practice before I can really call myself a paddler. This pic is from the weekend.
Lastly, I want to take the time to introduce a friend of mine in my class. He is a fellow SF medic, and we've both been entertaining one another through all the "traumatic" experiences. I'm not real sure how his blog will take shape, but it's likely to be extremely funny coming from this Mad Irishman. Please do go visit the Shamrock at the Illegal and Political Rantings of Shamrock7!
My brother Doug is tough I tell you TOUGH and will set everyone straight! *sigh*
Jenna is innocent... I am her witness... bohemians are very reliable that way you know and no amount of torture will make us change our tune I tell you! Just don't take my yoga mat away from me!
I had actually tried to post a last comment to your previous post but Blogger ate it. In spite of suggesting it, I too find Angelina Jolie quite overrated... not my type of chick for sure... sooo, the hunt is still on and I will not even dignify the mention of a certain horrid element in this here post... oh no I will not!
Seakayaking sounds delightful! Solo? Is the buddy system not best? I can see what a moving meditation that would be! Hope the rest of the training goes smoothly although please do not write about the slaughter! This vegetarian heart of mine would explode I am afraid! *sigh*
I like Shamrock's site... but I can't comment because I don't have a blogger account, and I can't email because he doesn't have an email up!!
So, if anyone does, tell him I'm adding him to my links ;o) Thanks Jake for pointing him out ~ we can always make room for another milblogger
Learning to ride hmmm? That's timely ...
I will have to introduce myself to my fellow countryman. But it will have to wait until I have a couple of hours to bust him on some of his takes ... :) Have you warned him to beware of the rampaging of rabid amoebae?
Language training? At DLI, I presume... which is TOTALLY my home turf! Email me before ya go, I'll tell you where to go and give you some names, if you want (but not of eligible girls, you seem to do that well enough on your own!).
Very proud of you, guy! Happy to know someone like you will have hubby's back.
HI Jake, can't recall if I ever came here before. Just wanted to say 'hello' to the guy who got our Jenna all worked up yesterday :-)
Nice segway Jake (lol)...the sack and ash cloth become you.
The kayaking sounds wonderful!
S.E.R.E (ick)...know you got to do it. Ah...hate that part...
I will say that the view from the "cheap seats" is still making me giggle.
no fair, I want the other avatar back! much more tastey looking, speaking of tastey..when is the pig roast and BBQ? let me know what you thought about the slaughter. cows have 4 digestive tracts, will you get to dissect? they have cool innards.....just thought ya might want to know! I used to kayak Lake Superior, my sis & I were just talking about that today. Im not sure about doing it on the sea tho. So, hows your riding seat shaping up? do you like it riding?
nice feet!
Ms. Howard- "guilty, guilty, guilty!" *the gavel pounds*
Miz B- Doug is tough, and that "Waking Ambrose" crowd is even tougher. My humble avatar didn't make a budge I'm afraid. I wonder how long I'll wear my penitent avatar. Jenna is not innocent. The buddy system is best for safety, but not for peace. It was indeed a great time of meditation and praying. I'll eat a salad for you on Thursday, and if dressed like this still- a few bananas... before I devour the medium-rare flesh of the bovine... Mwah haha! *vampire fangs protrude*
kath- you're welcome. i think he just read your comment. you should be able to comment there if you can here.
O'C- "rampaging of rabid amoebae?" *lol and throwing poo everywhere*.
Yes, I warned him, matter of fact, we were laughing over your comments in Doug's Bordello yesterday, which you were just as responsible for BTW. Yes, those horses are timely, but I am nowhere near proficient, guess I may need some more lessons, eh? Got any termites? I'm kinds hungry.
Jac- Thank you, they're quite the stompers. And were I not wearing my penitent cloth today, I'd blatantly flirt with you. In this case, I'll restrain myself and just give my newcomer a warm welcome... *shows off his one-armed swing from tree in all his primate glory*
Airforcewife- only if I get Mandarin, everything else is now taught here at Bragg. However, I'll let you know. Glad to see you again. Any good quotes I should put up?
Shamrock7- I see you everyday man.
Kyahgirl- I don't recall you coming here either, but all canines are welcome here, unless they bite of course. No biting here, but you can bark. Jenna started it!
Bodacious- gracias, only another penitent soul can appreciate the sac cloth, or Ape cloth. It's to signify my evolutionary regression to primate yesterday at Waking Ambrose to which I'm trying to regain some dignity. I think I'll be like Rober Deniro in "The Mission" climbing that damn mountain. SERE will be cake... for an ape like me.
Cowgirl- me too! I'm in mourning too. *pouting ape lips*
Yes, yes I do... I mean, I am fond of poultry. *trying so hard to be penitent*
Barngoddess- the slaughter and cookout are Thursday. I don't know exactly we get the class tomorrow I think. Sekayaking is the best, but it is a little more hairy. Tides, currents, sharks and stuff. On riding- I am learning slowly, and I love it thus far. Geez- you're gonna make me get rid of my feet pic too!
See... Couther stirs up all kinds of stink... :)
Glad you had a relaxing, paddling weekend... The pic is beautiful... (I'm talking about the sunset... not the monkey pic...) :)
Ha, ha, haaaa! Right on Shayna!
And Jenna, I did try but soldier boy is on a mission against one specific Ladee's reputation I am afraid... *sigh*
MY EARS, MY EARS!!!! Drive a stake through my heart why don't you Jake cause that's what happens when you mention the slaughter I begged, BEGGED, you not to mention! Harumph!
Hey Jenna.... I am sashayin' away with you! Wait up!
Shayna- Ann does stir up trouble... I like trouble, didn't I just hear a song about trouble? The monkey is funny though isn't he.
Miz B- your begging egged me on I'm afraid.
Jenna- silly rabbit.
Yes it was! It was your fault! Neener, neener! Hmph! That'll teach me to stand up for anyone anymore!
FO' SHO'! I just love you too much to stay harumphed for more than a number of minutes!
Horses are a very interesting creature. Some people think that they are stupid. Actually, some horses, such as Thoroughbreds have really cool personalities and can be quirky, highstrung at times, but know how to get comfort from humans. My Thoroughbred is still currently racing and knows how to get my attention and get spoiled. He has me wrapped around his hoof.
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