"My name is Jake... and I'm a blogaholic"

So, I am in the Atlanta airport as I type. I think this is evidence that I have a new addiction with this blogging stuff. At least I am no longer in denial, that's always the first step to recovery. I spoke these words this morning. "My name is Jake... and I'm a blogaholic." It seems I'm not the only one though. I've been thinking about possibly starting a 12 step group. I know at least a few others on my sidebar that are probably still in denial, and a few who I know would join. Apparently, there is a lot of money in this business too from what I hear, maybe I could become a recovering blog addict who does speaking gigs for crowded audiences all across the world. I don't know how this all began, it happened so fast. I used to look at the internet in awe of all the info, and like a sponge, soak up the knowledge. Now, it's like some old book on my shelf and I feel like saying, "the internet? yeah, I've read it." There are also so many facets to the internet, blogging is merely the gateway drug, kinda like the internet equivalent to Marijuana. Have you heard of Myspace? Yeah, that should be called MyCrackSpace. Then there's the internet dating thing. I haven't done that, nor do I plan on it. No really. Most of the people who do would never admit to it, but everyone is definitely doing it. I go to school with a bunch of guys who utilize it all the time to meet up with gals in Raleigh/Durham. I simply refuse to give in. I think it would be the equivalent of Crystal Meth on the internet, freaking dangerous territory. I don't think one can return from such a move. I shall be like the Last of the Mohicans as far as that is concerned. Call me old-fashioned, but that's my plan and I'm sticking to it. Probably in about ten years I predict it will no longer be so taboo, well I suppose it's not taboo, but it certainly is the skeleton in everyone's closet, at least they treat that way. Okay, enough about my thoughts on internet drugs. I now digress.
So, the last weekend in Belcourt, ND was mostly uneventful. However, there were a couple of things I saw that I would have never thought I'd see. Take for example a local bar. This bar had two things that I don't think I'll ever see again. 1) a drive thru window to buy beer 2) a place to tie your horses down if you decide to come on horseback. Yes, I watched two guys ride their horses to the bar, tie them up, and then later that night they rode their horses back home from the bar. Isn't that crazy? I also noticed that the days are really long here. It gets light at around 4AM and then it doesnt get dark until about 11pm, really strange stuff for a kid from Mississippi. I certainly rubbed elbows with the locals on a regular basis, and of course I met a few gals. One in particular, I hung out with quite a bit. She is a dental assistant, and quite the looker, but of course, there is just so much baggage. Not that everyone doesn't have baggage, but this girl had a boyfriend and a child that I didn't find out about until recently. It seems that I always run into such situations. I meet the craziest girls. The last rotation I asked out a fine young lady who ended up "having a girlfriend". Yeah that was awkward. She wasn't gay, she was bi, but "in a relationship" What the hell? -over. I hope this is entertaining to all of you, I'm in a good mood and thought I'd share some candid humor.
I'm really glad to be back in civilization again, I just checked my voicemail and had about 20 messages. My phone hasn't had a signal in 4 and a half weeks which makes for a lot of pissed off friends. So, now I'm about to kill some more time making phone calls. The experience overall in Belcourt was great. Everything from the medical training, to the hanging with the local natives (literally) was fantastic. However,I wouldn't recommend it for a vacation. Oh yeah, did I ever mention I stayed in a Casino Hotel? Let's just say I got to refine my Texas Hold Em skills which I haven't utliized since Fraternity Poker night in college. Good times. I'll post some more serious stuff later. I find out where I'll be stationed tomorrow- pretty exciting. Hopefully I'll get 10th Group in Colorado or Germany. *fingers crossed*.
But wait! Wouldn't joining Blogaholics Anonymous entail having to QUIT! HELL NO! Touch my laptop people, mess with my DSL connection and DIE!!!! Who am I hurting when at 4:30 am, when I wake up, (gotta yoga at 0530 sharp) the first thing I do is go online? NO ONE I TELL YOU! NO ONE!
Hmph... so don't broach the subject again! Mon Dieu! To even imply that any of us are addicts is totally ludicrous!!!
As for the girls, crazy doesn't cut it! So yeah, welcome back to civilization and here's to meeting some that are crazy in all the right ways (hey, not all us crazies are whacko, you know? ;-P)
Oh! And by the way, I WAS FIRST! WHOO-AH! *flexes yogi muscles... they may be small but they are lean!*
Good luck with your assignment!
Your bar description reminds me of the tiny town outside of the dude ranch I worked at during one summer in college. Drive through bar/liquor store window? Check. Hitching post? Check. And a total dearth of women. I mean, to the point where we walked into one of the bars in town and the band stopped playing and welcomed us. :) I was always curious how the bars were so full of men, had no women and still no fights. Turns out its because all the cowboys were packing. :)
Jake-I hope you get your assignment where you prefer! Im pulling for you. Hey, my best friend and I always rode our horses to the bar in town (before we got husbands and kids) that way we didnt need a designated driver or gas money. I was dating my husband when we did crazy stuff like that and he hated riding home double w/ me if he caught a ride to the bar instead of driving himself....but I might have made it a bit rough on him back in those days........
Sorry about your luck with the chics, there are a lot of people with baggage, avoid them at all costs. The internet dating thing is scary to me, I cannot imagine meeting someone on the net then dating or hooking up, guess I am old fashioned and just plain worried about my well being.
Good luck with the 12 steps program, I am not nearly as ready as you to admit my addiction but when I do, you'll be the 1st to know ;)
LOL...well try dating again after being off the market for 13 yrs....talk about meeting people with baggage...I could tell some hilarious stories. Although, the bi-girl story is still making me laugh!
I just started reading your blog and I think it is wonderful.
Jake... yes, I too have the blogger addicition... which I am seriously thinking of putting my blog on hold for awhile. We will see... :(
As for your girl "problem"... LOL... poor Jake. Sometimes baggage isn't that bad... depends on the baggage...
Fingers crossed on where you get stationed!!! :)
Although I wished I’d had my computer when I was stuck in O’Hare for six hours, I take only the essentials when I travel, and as you can tell from my blog these days, the computer hasn’t been that essential.
MySpace...how many hours I’ve wasted looking around on that site! Not into internet dating, though, I just don’t think you can get to know a person without looking them in the eyes.
Have a safe trip. Good luck with assignment.
Hi Jake, i have just come across your blog....sorry to hear about the crazy girl
take care
What is the second most addictive thing aside from blogging? Reading other people's blogs. I found yours when I watched a show called "The Unit" and later typed "special forces" into a blogging search engine. I found out I liked your blog better than the show!
Please keeping posting.
Frisco, TX
So, are you planning to start a chapter of BA (Blogaholics Anonymous)? Where do I sign ... ?
I'm surprised that no one within the sound of my keyboard has made the comparison between the online dating services and their predecessors, the "Personals" section of your local newspaper's classified ads. The only thing I can think of when I see a match.com ad is "Desperation made respectable". The grass is always greener in someone else's MySpace, I guess ...
Today's deployment day, I guess? Good luck ...
What's up with that picture?
I feel your pain with the girl situation. Mine just recently cleared up but we'll see how she handles OSUT and the dearth of communication.
Yes myspace is like crack I screwed myself over many a times looking at myspace instead of working on my senior design project.
Good luck with getting 10th group, thats actually where I would ideally get located if I get selected and pass selection but I've got to get thru OSUT first, 25m target. Now only 5 weeks till I ship.
miz b- i don't mind crazy girls, just not w/kids and boyfriends.
jennifer- yes, many of the fellas were packing in belcourt as well. and like you i felt like i was in a fishbowl for everyone to observe
barngoddess- e tu brute? so you ride horseback to the bar as well? why does that not surprise me... ;)
anon- please do share. sounds like a good blog topic to me. hang up the anonymous and get yourself a handle and a blog so we can all partake of your adventures.
shayna- i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to take you hostage if you decide to let your blog drift away into cyberspace. you can't leave us, like i said we can start a group for the weary souled.
pamela- you're alive! glad you've posted again too. A Chippewa told me he can see a person's soul through their eyes. i am with you on the internet dating thing. like i said, i'll be the last of the mohicans on that one.
jasmineflower- welcome! please come again, and don't worry about me, I can't complain. many guys would be glad to have my "girl" problems, if you can call them that.
carol- well i'm flattered. the Unit is one of my favorites these days. i like to think of it as the modern day A-team.
o'c- i'm abbreviating your handle from now on. hope you don't mind. internet dating is def the equivalent of a classy personal. myspace, however, is a whole nother deal. it's not a dating service, it's more like having all your friends in one room and is great for keeping in touch with them, and then every now and then you meet someone new via your friends. it's great for networking. highly recommend it, but like i said, it should be called mycrackspace.
cowgirl- your prayers are sooo welcome. i thought you might find this post entertaining. ;)... you could say i was inspired.
anon- that picture is me in front of my PC being hypnotized by the blog monster.
jon- you just gave me flashbacks of Bill Clinton with your Clintonian talk... "I feel your pain" lol
5 weeks! whoa man you're getting close. keep me posted bro, and if i'm still at bragg when you get here we'll have to get a brew together. i'll intorduce you to the Sweet Mexican Nectar.
emm- yes indeed. my pagan ways were returning to me, but i'm back. just in time too. i got the subject line finished on the reply btw, it should get ot you as scheduled... what was it june 20th? ;P
The best way to meet your future wife is through traditional paths: church, friends of friends, volunteer groups, hobby interests, etc. Until then, just enjoy life and things will definitely fall into place. No need to rush.
anon- absolutely. did you think i said otherwise? i could have sworn i said that the internet thing is not an option. hmmmm.
anon - You don't need to be in a rush to get a wee bit antsy - imagine being in a town with tens of thousands of elite soldiers trucked in and competing for the same local girls. Tough crowd.
Jake - Are you going to keep us in the dark? Did you get your assignment?!
Jennifer- rest assured as soon as I know you'll know. They're still jerking us around. Granted- there are a lot of changes taking place in the pipeline, but I'm sure by now you know how messed up student company is here, they just don't have their act together, and anyone who tries to point that out is immediately castrated or even kicked out of the course. total horse manure. I should find out anyday now.
I'll def take you up for that beer if you're still around when I get there. Quick question... I've been hearing a bunch of joe rumors about SOPC being either shortened or gotten rid of all together. Since you've got boots on ground at Bragg do you have any idea whats up with that?
jon- i'll be here until March-ish I found out today, if the pipeline stays as is. as for the rumors... i've heard the same but the last time i was down that way i saw the SOPC mafia climbing ropes, and loving the "gig pit". What is this pit I speak of?... you'll have to wait and see. Just pray you're not there in the winter bro. I found myself singing in unison... "I'm cold! I'm wet! I'm happy! Hey Hey!"
emm- come on. i heart you.
jenna howard- welcome, you'll find no internet mines here, though i have been known to set a few booby traps ;)
As for BA, i have found myself to be hooked again. i guess you can't really get help until you really want to be helped. i don't want to be helped, i want another hit! pass the pipe friend, puff puff give!
i'm gonna take up for mycrackspace once again. it's not a dating site, it really is just for networking- completely harmless.
thanks for the visit, but i cant believe you havent commented previously. that's like walking into someone's house and not saying hello! come back and i would say go see my friends but you already know all the crazies in these parts.
Ooooh! You've met my sweet and sizzlin' Ladee Jenna! Yes, yes, do look at her ankle and heap on the TLC.
Ms. Howard- Yes, Miz B has directed you well. Here is my plan for you...
Rest the foot
Ice on the foot
Compression with an ace wrap
Elevation of the foot when resting
Ibuprofen *with food* should help with the inflammation after a couple days too.
Oh, and you can call me in the morning too ;)
Miz B- yes, I have officially met Ms. Howard. She seems to be quite the gal. I'm on her ankle right away.
Jake, I have a bodacious handle but I now live in a "small" conservative town and so keep the stories quiet unless throwing down some beers with old friends from back home. Think Haper Valley PTA..AND I need to make sure my kids still get invited to b-day parties.
I must say I love reading your blog...boys like you were the 'Best' dates back in the day..1980's were a lot fun.
P.S. I am SURE that most guys would just love your girl troubles..some how I presume your flow chart is long but entertaining.
Anonymous 1 from the top
Yeah I'll probably be there in januaryish if everything stays as scheduled....hooray...
Ms. Howard: I think your ankle may need some extra special attention. We should make an appointment for a house call...
anon bodacious: ah the 80's... yes, when skinny guys like Michael J. Fox, Ralph Maccio, and Emilio Estevez were the girl magnets. i would have been the best date indeed.
"flow chart long and entertaining"?
Sounds like you're taking a cue from Ms. Howard's blog.
jon- january it is. yay!
Ms. Howard: i AM a sucker for puppy dog eyes.
Jake....25 was lots and lots of fun. I am an old chick now with a bodacious and sassy twinkle in my eye. Reading your blog just brings a big Kool Aid Smile remembering how much fun that old flow chart was...but now long retired. Just nice to remember some fun times.
Also, your writing reminds me of a very old and cool friend from that time period.
Thanks for taking us all along on your adventures.
Anonymous Bodacious (Bo)
Ms. Howard: Only if you put an apple on top of your head...
Bodacious: it is my pleasure to be able to entertain you. thank you for coming to my corner of cyberspace.
Toni- help me, I'm drowning in this whirlpool!
Toni...I agree. It is entertaining to observe.
Jake...c'mon all that training on evading?
toni- *gasp* "E tu Brute?"
"gut" it out, is a mil thing which is still a good thing.
Just new at this blog addiction. Always looking for an awesome blog to add to my daily must read. Just added yours today.
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