Belcourt, North Dakota- ay?

A Native American reservation in Belcourt, ND. That is the location of my clinical rotations which I have been assigned to for May-June. So, I've never been, but I hear it's cold up there- ay? When I was told North Dakota, I thought to myself, *hmmm. when was the last time North Dakota ever entered my mind in a thought.* Thus bringing me to the conclusion that I am certain that the words "North Dakota" have never crossed my mind or my lips since taking geography in high school. I even tried to remember whether it was a blue state or a red state in the last election, but I came up with nothin'- I don't remember a thing. Is that bad? Folks from up there probably did the same with Mississippi until Katrina, and the MSM's memory of my state certainly has vanished as of late. Anyway, North Dakota here I come! I'm looking forward to it. I plan on doing some intelligence gathering here in the upcoming weeks in order to find out a little more about my future Area of Operation. We are allowed to do our clinical rotations on the reservation as it provides more freedom and scope in our clinical training than a civilian hospital. From what I've heard it's some of the best training offered in this course, and worthy of the culmination exercise for an SF medic. In other news- after staying up until 2AM studying last night, and studying all weekend non-stop for my final Med Blocks B exam; I will be going directly into my Oral Board exam tomorrow afternoon, WOW. I am pretty freaking sleepy right now to attempt to study, but a pot of coffee is brewing. What is the Oral Board? It's where you are given a mock patient whom you must assess, diagnose, and provide a treatment plan for while a Doctor, and three P.A's assess your skills. The scenario could be just about anything that could possibly happen on a typical SF mission ranging from a teammate who came down with diarrhea, a local village mother bringing in her child who has a mysterious rash, to an indigenous village leader with some sort of hemorrhagic fever, you name it- it's possible. So, I'm looking forward to that being over after tomorrow. Then a small break for Easter before surgery begins. Then- the hits just keep on comin'.
Sounds great, you will have an awesome experience there.
"when's the last time North Dakota entered my thoughts..."
LOL! I thought the same thing when we were assigned to New Hampshire and again when we were assigned to New Jersey!
LMAO, this post is hillarious. I'll resist the temptation to make a joke about them being "oral" and just wish you good luck tomorrow on your boards.
Hope you had luck on your side during your "exams"...
ND? Never been... I am the same way you are... don't ever know if it has crossed my lips since high school...
Good-Luck to you!
Think plains and tumbleweeds, and you will get a good idea about where you are going.
airforcewife- new hampshire? that's a good one, but i still think ndakota has got it beat for least likely to be remembered.
pamela- girl you need to stop watching MTV.
toni- thank you, and i suppose i should prepare myself for that accent too?
cowgirl- i hope you're mistaken. maybe there'll be some great outdoor stuf i can do around there.
shayna- the exam went very well. got a 95, 2nd highest in the class. yes, i'm bragging.
becca- a candian flag, i'll bring you back a canadina flag since everyone seems to like to wave everyone else's flag but ours these days.
Congrats on the 95! Sounds like you've got a busy schedule ahead of you...Best of Luck, enjoy your Easter Break:)
Congrats Jake... well deserved... :)
ND is beautiful-you will not be disappointed! I agree with cowgirl, tons of horses to ride. Find one that suits you and ride your heart out : ))
barngoddess- one that suits me? where do i begin? would love to learn to ride.
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