The Pledge of Allegiance

"I pledge allegiance"
(I promise to be true and loyal)
"to the flag"
(to the symbol of our country)
"of the United States of America"
(each state that has joined to make our country)
"and to the Republic"
(a republic is a country where the people choose others to make laws for them -- the government is for the people)
"for which it stands,"
(the flag means the country)
"one Nation"
(a single country)
"under God,"
(the people believe in a Supreme Being)
(the country cannot be split into parts)
"with liberty and justice"
(with freedom and the upholding of the laws and principles of the land)
"for all."
(for every AMERICAN regardless of race, color, or creed)
I remember assembling before school when in 1st grade with the entire school including teachers, staff, and students to recite the pledge, and sing the National Anthem every morning. I wonder how students today would react, especially in those protesting schools, if they also were required to do so. Why don't most schools do this anymore anyway? What's wrong with understanding your country's creeds?
Because of the under god thing... some people feel that by saying under god forces the belief that there is a god on others. I remember saying it everyday too and we did in hs too which most people don't
Jake, When they took the pledge and the prayer out of school is when our country started down hill. The global warming and results and the other signs from the actions in the middle east are all signs of the end of the world, ARMAGEDDON. If some one would read the bible , all of it, you can see that the fruit is ripe.I wish every one would open their eyes and pray and get saved.The Lord is still with us but it will be hard in the future.
I love the way you broke down the pledge...
I too remember everyday in school saying our pledge. We are bending over backwards for those few that are "insulted" by such words in the pledge... it's sad that it takes away from those of us who are honored to say the pledge.
I wish more kids still said the pledge in school, it still gives me great pride and respect for my country...our flag is a symbol of our freedom, that so many have fought for, how some people can desecrate it still blows my mind...nice post Jake:)
stark contrast to what we're seeing on the news today.
appreciate the compliment.
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