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    Wednesday, March 29, 2006

    Why is this not in the News?

    I think this picture speaks volumes about our current illegal immigration situation. Is anyone else disgusted? This took place in Pioneer, California during the walkouts this week. I am very curious as to how our government would have reacted to this in the 19th century. Personally, I find it be an act of aggression towards our country. The only time I have ever heard of such acts were when a country successfully invaded and conquered it's enemy, or when a coup d' etat took place. Imagine if Taiwanese did this in China, or Palestinians in Israel, Algerians in France, Albanians in Italy, Turkey in Germany, the list can go on forever. What would be the reaction by the governments and what would be the reaction by the people of these nations? Am I being intolerant? Pfffft.

    I got the pic and link from Michelle Malkin who is tracking this story and other such examples that continue to develop.


    At 3/29/2006 9:21 PM, Blogger Bridget said...

    This story made my stomach turn,,,absolutely disgusting.

    At 3/30/2006 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It’s shameful but it’s simply an escalation of what goes on all over the country every day. Around here it’s common for flags of a foreign country (or Puerto Rico) to be flown in classrooms with no American flag in sight. Some of my friends’ relatives refuse to learn English—“why should I become American when this country is so evil?” Um, so why did you seek political asylum, then? I am an American. While my family is proud of our cultural heritage we recognize that none of us would have the standard of living we do if it weren’t for the opportunities only America provides. Nobody is asking immigrants to give up their past, just to recognize that, since this is the country that has given them a better life, this is where their loyalties should lie.

    At 4/06/2006 8:08 PM, Blogger Jake said...

    Pamela- very well put.

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