Phatasses, Jackasses, and Chimpanzees...

Elephatasses and Jackasses. Pfft. I guess we're just a bunch of freaking Chimpanzees...
The Elephatasses in the Senate and President Bush are utterly failing our country on the issue of border security, I say border security because what good is immigration reform if we cannot stop illegal immigration in the first place? I point my finger at the Elephatasses because they were supposed to be the party of reform who were given a mandate by their constituents over the last decade. I mean, they control the House, the Senate, and the White House and can't please their constituents? Who the hell are they catering to on this issue? Mexicans? That's a damn shame. Those of you who vote liberal may very well cheer that it is the Elephatasses taking all the heat in the press on this issue, but the fact of the matter is, no one has ever expected the Jackasses to secure our border. It's like watching the, obviously, better team hand over a win to the JV squad. Frankly, the Jackasses are simply the benefactors of a rumblimg, fumbling, tumbling bunch of Elephat-asses. Both sides want immigration reform, neither side wants to secure the border. The Jackasses have absolutely proven they are impotent on this issue. Sure, on immigration reform Jackcasses have a couple of ideas, but what good is reform on immigration if you can't put a halt to the source of illegal immigration in the first place, an unsecured border? The Jackasses and these "maverick" Elephatass Senators are like a bunch of nimrods bailing water out of a sinking fishing boat while not trying to plug the hole that's causing it to sink in the first place.
Where is the common sense?
Immigration reform and illegal immigration/border security are two separate, but related issues. This links to a break down of the vote today which clearly shows which Senators are for some real border security, and which would rather shun the issue. Are you satisfied with your Senator? I am pissed off at my Senators, Lott-R and Cochran-R of Mississippi who didn't even place a vote. I will be making a phone call to both of their offices tomorrow.
The other thing is the Jackasses think they are actually "winning back America" as if to say our ideas, and our liberal agenda, is what the American people want. I'm sorry Jackasses, but that's just not the case. The Elephatasses have simply pissed off their consituents so much that they will not be going to the polls in November- period. When the Jackasses take over, it will not be a vote of confidence in them, so much as it will be a vote of silence for their opponents, the Elephatasses.
*Sigh* Okay, I am officially finished venting. I guess I'll go eat a banana now, and find some Elephatasses and Jackasses to throw my poo at.
LOL. Amen brother!
cowgirl- that's precisely the point. lace a serious topic with some comedy to cushion the blows.
fastest squirrel- everytime i see that pic of the superman squirrel, i piss my pants.
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