Another One Bites the Dust

I just finished Surgery and Anesthesia, and am utterly exhausted. We lost 4 guys in all. Every single phase of the Q-Course has left me with less comrades. At first, during the Selection phase it was due to guys getting hurt or quitting. During the Small Unit Tactics phase it was a lack of being able to patrol. This phase, it has been guys either not making the grade, or guys just being careless. It sucks to see friends go, but at the same time if they aren't up to par- well, like I always say... It's been a nice ride, but now I'm gonna have to shoot your horse. Tomorrow we start dentistry, and Thursday we head to clinical rotations. North Dakota- here I come! (I'm trying really hard to get excited about the fact that I am going to the land of... land?)
On an unrelated note- I've added a few bloggers to my sidebar... Be sure to check them out! And guess who's back from across the pond...
The Fast Squirrel. Go read what he has to say about various squirrely matters as he ponders about how to solve all of the world's problems.
Nice pic... BTW.... morbid...LOL!
I'm glad to hear you are hanging in there... proud of my fellow blogger bud! :)
Good look with the denistry and clinical rotations... :)
"the land of... land? " LMAO! :)
Where did you find the cool pic? It would hurt to be that guy!
Will you be able to yank any teeth on the dentistry rotation?
You should definitely learn to ride a horse this summer.
Your Dad said he wants a picture like that in your post to hang in the house , framed.
Hey Buddy, pay real close attention in dentistry cause I have this tooth that is chipped...
Heh. Keep up the great work!
shayna- i am always happy to entertain you, especially when i make you LYAO.
anonymous1- it came from the cover on my Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia book. no teeth yankin' in ND, it's a clinical rotation at a hospital. as for horseback riding, i'm planning on finding a stable as soon as i arrive.
anonymous2- same guy? i don't know if you are the same anonymous that asked about my dad last week, but from now on, don't post anything about my dad on here. email me. if he's over there with you, tell him to post his own comments, and NOT TO USE MY NAME... VERY IMPORTANT. don't take my frankness personal, i appreciate your readership, and especially your comments, and look forward to more.
cowgirl- i would never shoot your horse darlin' ;)
fast squirrel- yeah i'll be paying real close attention tomorrow when we do dental anesthesia- another day of playing the human pin cushion. one target at a time... one target at a time. great to have you back.
At least 2 different anons here--I don't know your pop. Bet is is extremely proud of your many accomplishments, though.
First time here... Flattered to hear you read me and thank you for dropping by!
Wow! So you are one of our many heroes with many skills in the making! I look forward to stopping by more often and... hey, anyone who calls me a crazy gal is a friend indeed! :-)
ewww least favorite of ANYTHING. ND is a neat state, especially to visit. You'll do fine there! also, lots of nice horses with lots of room to ride...
in between jobs and insurance coverage for a time, I had considered tracking down an old friend to see if he might have done a dental favor or two for me.
Take care, and good luck with the rest of the schooling / training.
Are y'all really practicing dental nerve blocks on each other?
See you are an avid reader. Active mind! Did you ever read Mike Yon's book (Danger Close) about SF? I really liked it and would recommend it.
Hi there, I LOVE your blog and would like to add you to my blogroll :o)
~ keep up the great work, and best of best of luck!
anon1- at least two indeed, i'd say at least 4 now. you anon's have to get a little more vulnerable, maybe an alias or something. heck "alias" would be a cool one. thanks for the comment.
miz bohemia- it's more like riding than reading. your writing is off the wall. i enjoy your unpredictability, i'll be stopping by again often. found you through shayna and cowgirl.
barngoddess- i have a phobia of dentists. this week was no exception to the rule. lots of anxiety from it all. i can't wait to find somewhere to ride there.
anon2- i really don't think i'd be doing you a favor considering i only had three days of this craziness, but hey you've got insurance now- whew...
cowgirl- i'd ride your horse toward the horizon, into the sunset...
anon3- yes, as always we were each other's guinea pigs. yes, they were complete nerve blocks. 10 injections in all, five on each side. do you want me to name the anatomical locations? if you think that's bad you should read up on how we learned to administer IV's back about 9 months ago. those dental blocks were horrible though- the anxiety. i myself have a phobia.
anon4- Mike Yon's Danger Close....i haven't gotten around to it, but i will eventually. thing is i'm around Green Berets and Delta guys all day long, and get plenty of stories, so i'm in no immediate need of an SF story fix, i'm living it, and learning it.
kath- grazie mille! i don't know what that blog rolling deal is, but it sounds cool to me. please explain. thanks for the visit and comment, please do return.
emm- sure thing... you know from now on, when i finish one up, i'll give a little review. which title were you curious about? the current one or previous? blue like jazz was the last...
One of the interesting things about Yon's Danger Close is how he once faced murder charges after a bar fight because of his SF training.
Hey Jake, I'm really enjoying your blog, I have one of my own, and I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look during some of your spare time, Im leaving for the Army in September under the 18x program and I'd like all the feedback I can get from anyone who's been through it, going through it, or is also gonna go through it. I wish you the best!
b2g- glad to have you man. if you have any q's email me. otherwise, try some of the links on my sidebar. i'll be sure to check out your blog.
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