Task Force 145 gets their Man

Yes, it has been confirmed. Bill Roggio at The Counter Terroism Blog has the scoop on why this is important, and the impact it will have on Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Go read the link.
Michelle Malkin has the rundown on all media outlets. An Iraqi Blogger named Omar responds as well.
Chris At Home has a very interesting, short read on the wide array of different reactions from the News networks and other individuals and entities.
Who is Task Force 145? They're a group of Special Operators whose sole mission was to find this man and kill him. Here is a good article from the Marine Corps Times.
What great news to wake up to!
Indeed! We heard about it early at formation with many gutteral "Arrrghs".
Jake-this was the very 1st thing I saw this morning when I was turning on the TV for toddler terror, I did my little happy dance around the living room, toddler terror joined in even tho he didnt have a clue to why I was so esctatic! Our military is the best of the best on this planet, I think we as Americans are the luckiest people in the whole world.
Are we so sure this is good news? As a nation that refuses to sing the word "die" in
As he died to make men holy, let us die to set men free
(Julia Ward Howe, Battle Hymn of the Republic)
we are not terribly familiar with the "martyr" concept and how that concept can drive a group, or a people, to renewed and more unified activity. Even 9/11 now means not martyrdom but "excuse for corruption" to a lot of Americans.
I am not on the ground, and I've lived long enough to know that if I'm not on the ground, I know nothing. So I don't know what this event means yet.
But I'm reminded of what U. S. Grant said to his troops when news got out of Lee's surrender at Appomattox and they started setting off fireworks (I paraphrase, I don't have the quote in front of me):
The rebels are our countrymen again, and the best way to recognize this is to abstain from all demonstration.
This is good news indeed...
barngoddess- I too did a dance. It was my African nipple dance. Quite a sight!
o'c- i'm sure it is good news (secondo me), but i'm pretty black and white on this issue/person. i am only familiar with martyrs of the Christian faith both ancient such as Justin Martyr, Clement of Rome, and modern martyrs whose stories can be found at Voice of the Martyrs on my sidebar. the Church was unified in their martyrdom at the hands of the Romans. one difference though with those martyrs and these so called Muslim "martyrs" is they weren't fighting. in rome, they were fed to lions and simply allowed themselves to be like sheep being led to a slaughter. their example was Jesus. these muslim "martyrs" are warriors in my opinion. they are me- except on the other side of the world. btw i think it's also important to note that they call us "crusaders" and are fighting a "holy war". how can they still be called martyrs? let's not forget their model, Mohammed, stark contrast to Jesus.
as for what Grant said... they were fighting their own countrymen, many times their blood brothers. i don't think a comparison can be made at all.
zarqawi was a ruthless, and lethal warrior. he beheaded a live man with a dull knife for crying out loud. if you really want a concept difficult for the west to understand go to mike savage's website and watch a beheading.
i am of the belief that zarqawi was evil, and we're no angels, but i can't say that he is on equal moral footing with us. again we're no angels, and morally there are things in question, but you will never see me beheading someone, or any of my brothers in the fight now.
shayna- glad you're still blogging away. you cant leave us.
Good going, guys! One team, one fight. You are awesome.
Jake - Many good points. To discourse on them fully will take more space than I think appropriate here. Just a couple of points.
For most of his career, Muhammad (as I understand him) was a man of peace, preaching tolerance to his adherents. It was only when he found himself at the head of an army moving to recapture Mecca that he began to preach of armed martyrdom. It is this aspect of Muhammad upon which the Jihadists have chosen to focus. Much like the Crusaders would have picked up the line from Jesus: I bring not peace, but a sword.
I cannot encounter any part of "Savage Nation" without thinking of Konrad Lorenz's book On Aggression and its exposition of the concept of "militant enthusiasm" - the essentially visceral state, common to many if not most of the social animals, that allows them to become unified against a perceived common threat.
One aspect of "militant enthusiasm" that Lorenz and others describe is that of "demonization" - the extreme negative stereotyping of "the enemy" which permits the group to suspend normal social taboos and do what is necessary for an effective assault/defense. I cannot think of the images that we project of them, or they of us, without reliving the newsreels of the Nuremberg Rallies. Lorenz, one of the greatest students of animal and human behavior ever, was a witness and survivor of these events, as a Wehrmacht field surgeon. (He was Austrian.)
I think Grant's behavior more relevant to current events than you suggest. For one thing, I fancy Grant would have hanged the perpetrators of Abu Ghraib within 24 hours. He well understood that anything that damaged the reputation for good will of the conquerers in a conflict was not to be tolerated.
Loverboy agress that it is good news but that initially there will probably be more attacks and that things may be temporarily worse... he says a lot of Sunni prisoners are being released, which works to our benefit...
Me? Hmmm.... the whole thing is such a damn mess! I am anti this war but soooooo NOT anti-troops and would give anything that they come back safe and sound... but we are in it now and every little victory is to be relished.
But our view of the whole things and the extreme, fundamental Muslim mentality, take, actions and the like on it all are worlds away from our reality. They are sociopaths and it is a whole different ballgame when you deal with sociopaths. Soooo.... glad the f****r is dead but I don't know what it means.
And I am also sad to be glad over someone's death.
anon- i'm so glad you are back, but i have no idea which anon you are. come on, get a profile, you can still be an anonymous with a name. even anonymous1 would be great. appreciate your comments, and look forward to you joining in the discussion too.
o'c- i appreciate your challenging me, and hope you don't mind my sparring. i welcome it. i would be so obtuse without you and Miz B. Gracias! The psychology of a warrior is complicated. I am only just scratching the surface of it as I am still only preparing for war. I am a medic secondarily, I am a lethal operator primarily. The brothers who are mentoring me now are professionals. Professional warriors. One thing that has always stuck with me thus far is a quote shared with me by one of my cadre.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." -GK Chesterton
Of course, in a firefight I seriously doubt quotes will be going through my head.
Miz B- You are free to dissent here about the war, though I am perplexed as to how one can be anti-war and pro troops. Don't get me wrong, most of my blog buds feel this way so you aren't an exception, but I just don't get it. So, this isn't really directed at you. Maybe it's because I am a soldier. However, I am more than happy to hear what you and others think, so please do feel free to share. I don't bite too hard. This war is a mess, and surrounded by controversy. I'd say every war is a mess, but certainly not surrounded by such polarization. War is a reality of humankind. As Plato once said, "Only the dead have seen the end of war." This controversy and disunity is the nature of a large democracy I suppose, and though I might not agree with many opinions out there concerning this war, I'll defend their right to voice an opinion so as long as I am capable.
"I am also sad to be glad over someone's death."
Yes, it is a dilemma. Maybe a good topic for Sar sometime...
Awesome news. The hydra argument can always be made, but a very good book called "The Arab Mind", which is used by American agencies who must be culturally aware in the region, explains what is behind "martyr syndrome". The most BASE driving force in Islam is "Inshallah", if allah wills it.
If the US wants this to work in our favor, our PSYOP guys need to get to work showing how this is the will of Allah. How disenheartening such would be to realize, eh?
Of course, my disclaimer would need to be that hubby spent time as a PSYOPer before going to HUMINT.
Jake, Starship Troopers has a GREAT idea for a governmental system, you think? (I noticed it on the sidebar).
I would also highly reccomend you read "The True Believer" by Erich Hoffer. Hoffer was brilliant.
Jake - I have a hard time understanding the anti-war/pro-troops stance myself. Although my husband accepts the sentiment at face value.
I think (at least in the case of my in laws) the support is not so much I-believe-in-what-the-troops-do-and-stand-behind-them as I-don't-hold-them-responsible-and-I-don't-want-anything-bad-to-happen-to-them. This is still more of a pro- than anti- view if not completely supportive.
Miz B - not tryin' to put words in your mouth, hon! This may not at all be what *you* meant.
Ms. Howard- in that case I am happy to be your source of the latest scoop. if all it takes is a scoop to get you here then i guess my blog will have to be newsish more often. Though I'll try not to make you cry next time. The great blogger challenge... it's all in the fingertips.
anon- The Arab Mind has been mentioned to me several times now, I think it's time I picked it up. Never heard of Eric Hoffer though. I've gotten some hell for Starship Troopers the last coupleof days, but it is simply a fantastic read thus far. One for you... have you ever read "The Gates of Fire" by Steven Pressman? My favorite war book ever. It's a historical fiction about the Battle of Thermopylae and the 300 Spartans.
jennifer- i never thought of it that way before. gracias. i have never doubted Miz B's or any of my other blogger buds' sincerity and heart on the issue. I know that in their heart they support us, and many times in their deeds as well. (I am thinking of a certain bugler who plays for fallen soldiers, and a certain musically talented gal who writes letters to troops). I still find the logic fuzzy, but I guess not all things can reasonably be understood. It's complicated, and I'm not equipped to unravel it for now.
Dearest Jake,
I'm so upset. I have never noticed your side bar until now... you have announced your future wife. Dearest Jake, my dear... my heart breaks that you heart someone that has the coldest of hearts. You can do so much better... Plus, I am not real sure she is a woman. Please consider to heart someone else. But... like ones mother... I will be happy for the two of you just as long as you are happy. I will just stand in the shadows and bite my tongue.
I promise I will send you that woman in the box if you reconsider your marriage proposal to Coulter. :)
P.S.... I'm just picking on you! Who knows... you could possibly change her cold heart to a warm and fuzzy heart! :)
This is wonderful news! and a great thing to be celebrated.
Jake your quite diplomatic in your answer to those here that say they support you and your bros/sis but not the war.
"Joe Average" American is clueless to just what is given and sacraficed by the men and women that serve in the military as well as the military families.
Not just Iraq, Afghanistan, but Korea (the DMZ non war...war zone), Kosovo...etc...etc.
I am so glad that there are now blogs like yours to give people a glimpse of the training, blood sweat and tears that go into our fighting men/women.
I have an old friend that was SF and injured pre-Gulf 1. He spent 2 yrs at Walter Reed.
Anyway his journey gave me a view and appreciation of what is accomplished and sometimes sacraficed by the men/women of the military.
Anonymous Bodacious
Could it be true? Is blogger working???? Well, I am gonna hurry and get this in lest it go bonkers on me again!
Jennifer, no worries, but I actually do believe in what the troops do and stand behind them... in an ideal world, a utopia if you will, there would be no need for war, for troops, for combat, blah, blah, blah... but this world is far from a utopic one.
Soooo.... I said I am anti this war. I hate the thought of anyone from soldiers to innocent civilians dying but at times, this cannot be avoided and war has to be considered. I think Iraq was a huge mistake on many levels. Mostly, it was a war that we rushed in to... one that this current and pathetic administration did not plan for, one for which they had no exit strategy (something the Clinton administration did have for the Gulf War)... one that was sold to the public based on lies.... all this does a great dis-service to you, our brave men who are willing to put your lives down on the line for us.
I am angry and pissed off about it... but the anger has to be directed towards those that deserve it so that what happened during the Vietnam war does not happen again. The troops with the Vietnam War faced the brunt of the people's anger when they were only doing their job, fighting for their people, following orders. It is the same case here. I do stand behind what the troops believe in and do... but not at all behind Bush Co and my anger is directed at them....
Back to the issue of the war... I think (and being half Iranian this tends to shock many that I hold this opinion) that Iran has been, was and is a much bigger threat than Iraq ever was and that Iran should have been the original target from the get-go. They are the only true, actual and blatant Islamic Regime and therefore a model for other muslim nations who wish to emulate them. Had we attacked Iran we would have freed the people from a very cruel, sadistic and oppressive regime and the world from a true danger... which is now showing its face and which Iranians have known about for decades. Had Iran been attacked, it would have served as a warning to the other muslim nations and they would have taken heed. Now.... the whole thing is a mess and it is all because there was no true and clear strategy... add to it the whole mess of terrorism, this invisible (in that it is malleable and has no specific headquarters) enemy and we are really knee-deep in it.
Does this make sense now Jake? I do support what you guys do. What we do without you? Where would we be? I respect the fact that you are following orders, that perhaps you do believe in the necessity of this war. I personally happen to be anti this war... not anti you, our troops but instead passionately anti this administration....
And my point is not to start a debate about whether this war was right or not... basically to state that we may differ in opinions and that those of us that do not support the war most definitely do support the troops... that the two do not necessarily go hand in hand.
Ciao Jake!!!
I know it's late to add THIS comment but I want to share with you the wild joy that grabbed me when I opened my office computer yesterday morning and I found the bigga news on the internet (God bless the internet and the fact I can get news from the USA DIRECTLY!).... I just went
Sìììììììììììììììììììì!!!!! Yes Yes Yes, hooooorrrraaaaayyyyyyyy!!!
did I feel bad for rejoicing about the death of such a CRIMINAL? more than that, one of the worst TERRORISTS the world has known (question: do we really have to always find different names to call things and people by their right name??????) God NOOOOOOOOOOO and I don't feel bad for feeling no remorse!!!! Hooorayy and URRA'!!!! Finalmente una buona notizia!!!
I spread the news to my friends via email and all of us just hoped it was TRUE!!!
Incidentally, it is pretty obvious that I SUPPORT THE TROOPS, that I am honored to call them OUR troops and I am so very grateful for this great accomplishment
More incidentally, I am sick tired of this general attitude that we call BUONISMO over here, something that kinda obliges us to always find something good in the real bad guys, something that justifies their behaviors, something that makes us feel bad even when we have done nothing wrong...... Living in Italy and being invaded, yes invaded, by the muslims is not helping me accept this politically correct BUONISMO (I know it is hard to translate it, literally it means goodism, to be good at all costs).... but that would be a long digression, I will leave it for my next comment or maybe for a chat, ok Jake???
In the meantime, let's just feel proud and happy, we need it and deserve it.....
Am I obtuse and extremist in this???? YESSSSSSSSS and at least for today, let me be happy and proud to be!!!!
Baci baci
Miz B,
I know you were talking to Jake with your last comment but there were just a few things I wanted to address. First, you mentioned attacking Iran and freeing the people from an evil and oppressive regime. That's what we did in Iraq, I mean I've never heard of the Iranian Gov't using Chem. Weapons on their own people but we all know for a fact that Saddam did. Second, while I would not object to invading Iran, how do we know honestly how that would turn out. I mean we could say that they'd welcome us as liberators and it would be easy to establish a new gov't but we thought that would be the same way Iraq would have worked. After all hindsight is 20/20. So who knows. Oh and Clinton wasn't the one who had a plan about Iraq before it was Bush Sr.
Oh and Jake how the hell could you have never read Starship Troopers before?!?!? Maybe I'm just a nerd, after all I did go to a Tech School but still, Heinlein is one of the better Military Sci-Fi writers. Another one of my favorites by him is Glory Road, it's one of his lesser knowns but I like it a lot.
Jake - it is because I am able to spar with you civilly and intelligently that I have admiration for you, respect for your job, as well as hope for our nation.
One need only read James McPherson's one-volume Civil War history, Battle Cry of Freedom to discover that, with respect to political divisions over war, we have all been here before. Those of us from the Vietnam era thought we had invented the civil protest - which would have come as a great surprise to Clement Vallandigham.
More offline, right now I'd better get my bod to work.
Jon.... I don't mean to turn this into a long debate because a) I don't have the mental energy for it in all honesty and b) I don't want to hijack Jake's blog or post and it defeats the purpose of my original message to agree to disagree...
Iran is and has always been a larger and much more real threat to the west... what Saddam did to the Kurds he also did to many Iranian soldiers (something not mentioned often)... and in the larger scheme of things does not constitute an international threat... had Iran been taken down first disbanding Iraq would have been much easier but yeah... what's done is done and things are a mess regardless of what side of the fence we stand on the issue...
Bush Sr. didn't finish the job in Iraq and I guess I need to be more specific... Clinton had a large tome-like volume that JUST outlined an exit strategy whereas little idiota Bushy Jr had nothing...
... but I stop here on this or else we may get caught up in this... shall we agree to disagree? *bohemian bats luscious lashes*
Oh... sorry but your pic is quite disturbing... MY EYES, MY EYES!!!!
Oh everyone loves the pic don't lie :)
a very thorough post about what is going on in the middle east--i really enjoyed all of the links you posted.
but, why the new pic of yourself? we can see your muscled back, but what about the rest of you?
Great links about what is going on over there Jake.
You guys are doing your job and doing it well.
re: "hate the war love the troops"
jennifer's on the right track, I think. We may or may not agree with the reason for the war (and popular agreement tends to be directly proportional to battlefield success, unfortunately, just proving that We the People can be fair-weather fans in war as in sports), but once the task is assigned we need to support those doing the work. U. S. Grant in his Personal Memoirs (a surprisingly good work by the way) wrote:
"Experience proves that the man who obstructs a war in which his nation is engaged, no matter whether right or wrong, occupies no enviable place in life or history. Better for him, individually, to advocate war, pestilence, and famine than to act as obstructionist to a war already begun."
We the People tried to falsify that statement in the Vietnam War, where, overall, we obstructed the war and blamed the soldier for it. That didn't work out so well.
Citizen soldiers (a concept almost as novel as the Republic that engages them) have, believe it or not, always had their opinions on the wars in which they fight, and not always favorable ones. Grant, in the Personal Memoirs, again:
"Generally the officers of the army were indifferent whether the annexation [of Texas to the USA] was consummated or not … For myself, I was bitterly opposed to the measure, and to this day regard the [Mexican] war which resulted as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation."
Grant (then a lieutenant) was commended for heroism in the ensuing battles - by none other than Captain Robert E. Lee.
anonymous bodacious: i am so pleased you have decided to take the time to distinguish yourself for the other 3-4??? anonymous commenters? Grazie mille!!!!!
Miz B: your response was thorough in its content, gracious in its dissent, clear in its explanation, and charming in its diplomacy. *tips hat*
jon- forgive me. i tend to read nonfiction at a much higher rate than fiction. starship troopers has been on my list for a while now. in my opinion, the single book that every soldier should read is Gates of Fire by Stephen Pressman. Check it out! (300 Spartans)
Marina- Ciao carina! Preferisci Forza Italia? Certamente, dobbiamo "chat" presto, il mio gmail e jakecommando, e poi il mio yahoo e imjakecommando. ci si vede! *un bacio e un bacio*
O'C don't you mean you need to get your "cytoplasm" back to work?
jon that pic is disturbing, you should get Shayna to enter it in the caption contest. I think it would bring the chimps to the yard.
emm- i think you have your wish as for hearing others elaborate on this issue more. thanks for your input too. i of course think more along the same lines as you.
"jaggin' my wire a bit" ?
hmmm... that sounds fun. whatever it is. ;)
Ms. Howard: it's the Southern gentleman in me that refers to new faces by their last name. Would you prefer Mademoiselle Howard instead? Oui, Francais... c'est belle! c'est jolie! O forse Signorina? Secondo me, italiano e la piu bella, ma vieni di Canada. And I'm no tease, just hard to catch.
Village Idiot: gracias!
O'C: as usual, a class act. your intellect, and persuasion are unmatched. another win for the single celled organisms!
Belle: I am pleasantly surprised and humbled by your visit. Long time no see.
*clears throat and announces*
Does everyone know this Southerner in the City, an aging debutante, a small town girl cursed with big city aspirations?
If not, go read her tempting tales of life in the Big Apple.
Yes, she just asked for "the rest of me" *blushes*
You're always welcome here, Belle.
At last...
My two darlings of the web- Shayna and Cowgirl. About Ann...
Shayna- Yes, if 'tis a sin to love Ann then I am lesser than Judas himself. May God spare this smitten soul. May Blogger allow me to comment once again. May my blogger friends forgive my blasphemy. My flesh has overcome me. I am but man. I am but putty in her hands. O woe is me! O woe is me! Have mercy! *repents of his sins*
Cowgirl- *he pulls out sac of magic fairy dust and sprinkles*
I'll reconsider IF you know of any:
2)never married
3)young lady bt the age of 25 and oh, I don't know... 25
4)wants kids but doesn't have any now.
I prefer brunettes. Oh, and if she is capable of various amazing acts performed at random intervals that's always a plus.
Yeah, that might persuade me. ;)
Yeah I have that on my list. I'm planning on reading it during my plane flight to vegas next week. I'm currently in process of reading Home of the Brave. Yeah I usually read more nonfiction but during my younger wasted days, see HS and early college I read mostly fiction.
O'C, that was a great comment actually one of the better ones I have seen refering to support the troops but not the war.
I'm planning on getting rid of that pic I just need to dig one up of me that doesn't have alcohol involved, and to be honest most of the pics that I've had lately usually involve me with a beer in hand, I guess it's a guy thing or well guy in college thing.
Hmmmm... that dream girl almost sounds a little like Cowgirl... Hmmmmm... hehehehe... :)
Jon....that pic is quite...hmmm not sure how to classify that or why you pick THAT pic. Are you adverstising your technique, your equipment, or your appetite for the unusual? Quite the conversation starter I am sure.
Just curious....
Anonymous Bodacious (Bo)
*bohemian lies on floor, motionless, overwhelmed, subject to a heartattack*
Don't reduce yourself to a mere automaton by suggesting that the.. um... mind (?) wants what it wants! You are a SF man (YEAH! I catch on FAST!) and need a real woman by your side dammit! Hmmmm.... I shall make it my mission to find you an appropriate one. That one now, tsk, tsk... I am with my sistahs on that!
But *sigh*... no worries, bohemians everywhere still like their sweet southern soldier boy indeed!
shayna- nooooo.... she'd have her hands much too full trying to wrangle me.
shamrock- welcome my crazy irish friend. i'll be sure to properly introduce you soon.
Ms. Howard- i have many tricks up my sleeve... and ive been known to make exceptions to my rules.
Miz B- see my previous response to Shayna on Ann. As for your mission, I'll be waiting to hear when you accomplish that one.
Hmm... Cowgirl, it sounded to me like it was a hint at you to bring it on! Ooooweee!
Hey... replace that Ann Coulter &*^(*% with sweet, funky, strong SANE, beautiful and LEVELHEADED !Cowgirl! Damn, if I was into chicks I'd marry her and would be fighting you for her!! Fo' sho'!
Oh... and I had read your reply to the girls... but see, this bohemian sees you as in control of your flesh and so... no excuses! Now that Cowgirl... she be the real thang!
Hey chica... How'd you like my campaigning and butting in for that matter? ;-P Well, off I go to teach yoga and contortion the night away!
Cowgirl, I think you'd have your hands full with this particular Stallion, yes.
Miz B.- I don't know if I'll be over my first love... Ann.
You're still standing darling... beware of when I have you falling down.
THAT was before I saw the action over at Doug's! Plus, I was just being good and sticking to the 25 year-old request... WAHEY... what is wrong with 30-year-olds???? P-shaw!
And Chief Naughty Sexpot... the Ladees come first, all the way and FO' SHO'! I was ready to don my skintight leather catsuit and whip some ass for you Jenna! Discarded? NEVER! Dios mio!
Jakey boy... ANN? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! MY EARS, MY EARS!!!!... oops, I am reading this so... MY EYES, MY EYES!!!!!!
And hey, that B&*%H is way older than us sexy 30-year-olds and ahem... what was that 25-year-old thing again? Methinks thou art confused!
Hmmm... I would peg you more for the Angelina Jolie kickass, badass chick-lovin' type!
oh my... :)
Jake your "wish" list is just to slow the women down... long enough for you to check them out.
You SF guys tend to be the best...once you find the women that holds your own brand kryptonite..its all over. Your putty in her hands.
Good luck ladies!
cowgirl- i think this post has turned into a sauna.
MizB- i may be a little confused, i think I'm a little dehydrated from all this heat, but I abhor Angelina Jolie. All the fellas will probably gasp, but yes, I said it. I'd prefer a much classier gal. She is overrated.
shayna- do join the fun, before I close this post.
Ms. Howard- I catch you of course.
You've got me pegged to the Tee. Did everyone catch that?
"You SF guys tend to be the best...once you find the women that holds your own brand kryptonite..its all over. Your putty in her hands.
Yes, it sounds like someone knows from experience... hmmm.
Jake... this is worth the price of admission!
Sweet thang....I am enjoying your blog very much *smiles big with a twinkle in her eye*.
You might want to do something about that bullseye painted on your back *grin*. The natives appear to be getting restless.
emm- i've created a monster
bodacious- i need to put a stop to this.
Jake - lots of response on this one.
BTW...I'm back at the keyboard.
o- glad to have you back. be careful hedonism runs amuck here lately. I think there was afull moon yesterday.
Yeah - didn't all this start off with shock and awe? Come to think of it ... :) And I'm told that mating behavior is a common human response to the spectacle of death. Makes sense if you think on it a moment ...
Anyway, so you lightened up a bit. Just don't tell the sergeant. See you at Doug's place. We're waitin' on ya. :)
oc- you were partly responsible for the debauchery as well you know, especially at Doug's. I've already posted there today. Doug is still kicking me while I'm down on the comments.
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