
So, my laptop came back repaired at the total cost of $329. Too much to be called affordable and worth it, but too little to justify another brand-new purchase. So, Hewie was spared the "Office Space" baseball bat beating. However, my printer (Epson Stylus) decided it didn't want to work anymore either... so his fate was being thrown off the third floor of the barracks and as you can see from the picture he didn't fare so well. So, Epson will be sleeping in the Silicon Valley of Death. I purchased another printer, and so now all is peaceful and quiet once again in my room, and I can get back to more important things, like catching up on email, and blogging. Let's hope I didn't piss off the silicon gods too bad and end up with more electronic malfunctions. **Knocking on wood**
Extreme, dude! Did u look before you chucked it?
I have done this with electronics before, too.
I swear that electronic things are, by nature, misogynistic.
anonymous- I just yelled Geronimo!
airforcewife- so I'm not the only crazy out there! BTW I had to look "misogynistic" up in my trusty pocket Webster... Humbled. Then again being from Mississippi, (where men are still raised to be gentlemen), I would never have had the occasion for such a word in the first place.
That picture is incredibly satisfying to look at.
Curious about your view on the Kung text you're reading now.....any good?
Yes, I too would be interested to know about your view on Kung.
Pamela- you have no idea!
Buffy and Dave - Hans Kung certainly has his opinions, and I have found him to be quite a maverick amongst traditional Catholics. It's good to hear such staunch criticism of the Catholic Church from someone within the church. I would venture to say, however, that as hard as he tries to convince his readers that he is indeed a Roman Catholic christian, he has, in my humble opinion, crossed over into something else. What that is, I do not know and am still reading to get a better grasp of exactly where he stands. At some point, one must admit when one no longer can consider oneself to be a part of a paticular group based upon that group's set beliefs. For example, if I consider myself to be a Conservative when it comes to politics, but my actions and beliefs identify more with the Democrats' platform then how can I really expect to be called a Republican by my peers or my adversaries? Really, I'd be somewhere in the middle teetering on confusion with no real home. It seems to me that Hans Kung has no home. I am no theologian, so I cannot say where exactly the line or boundary is, but it it is evident, at least to me, that he has crossed that line on a variety of issues. Overall, it's a very good read thus far, and I am looking forward to diggin in some more.
Astute observation. As a traditional Catholic myself, we have a name for folks like Kung: we call them "Protestants". I don't mind him holding his views - but I strongly object to his claim to be a "Catholic theologian."
I'm not saying there's no room for dissent. But "Catholic" dissent should not dismiss every foundation upon which the Catholic faith rests, as Kung seems to do. Furthermore, he attacks not only the foundations of the Catholic Church, but the foundations of Christianity as well. (I have not read him, but I have read a very penetrating critique of his work by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, the Papal Preacher).
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