A Good Idea to Save on Gas

Heh, heh, heh- I got this from a friend of mine via email. (Thanks Jenny)I remember the good old days when gas was only like $0.99 a gallon. It wasn't that long ago. Hell, at this point $2.00 a gallon would be nice! It's a shame that when I first purchased my truck (Land Rover Discovery) I was paying like $40 to fill it up, and am now paying $65. I bought it in June of 2005 not realizing that gas would climb so high, so quickly. I think if this trend continues I may have to sell it which would break my heart, as I love taking it to the great outdoors on my various little adventures; it's quite the SUV.
Sweeeet car, babe. ;)
We have a minivan (4 kids, okay?) and a Civic. I have been stuffing my kids into the Civic when we need to go anywhere without the husband to save on gas.
The people living around us have taken to calling it my "clown car".
Yeah it's sweet on Petrol. So- Landrovers make us babes now? I feel exploited.
Air Force Wife-
Well, as long as you don't have a dozen little ones coming out of there, I think your Civic is technically not considered a clown car. A Civic sounds so enticing- mmmm 40 miles to the gallon. I can see it now! As for your neighbors, if they're so entertained start charging them to watch the car "show".
Yeah, but since we're a capitalistic society, I'd have to make it worth their while to watch. That means music. So I'd have to take a hit for accordion lessons for my 2 year old son. Then we'd have to pay for #2 daughter to get her hair died bright red, #3 daughter would need a hat to carry around afterwords and... Well, #1 daughter already dresses like a hobo, so we wouldn't have to spring for a new wardrobe...
Nah - too much trouble to charge.
Lol. It's like the dude who rode his horse 14 miles to work...
Who is the dude that rode his horse 14 miles to work? I haven't heard about this.
Lovely blog yoou have
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