My first trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains

This is a pic of me at the end of my 3 day trek of the Linville Gorge Wilderness Trail in the Blue Ridge Parkway in Western North Carolina during the 2005 Fourth of July weekend. As you can see, I am soaking wet (I was rained on the entire time) but it was still a blast to be able to get away from Fort Bragg for a few days and spend some time alone to "recharge". The fly fishing was great, and the terrain was strenuous- definitely not for the novice. I walked 10 miles out and 10 miles back in with a full rucksac. I didn't see nor speak to anyone for the first two days on the trail, which was kind of strange... what's the longest you've been without talking to someone?
Hey man! Sounds like quite an adventure! Thanks for posting the pics.
A person needs some time alone with God to hear that "still, small voice" that speaks to the heart. The Desert Fathers knew a thing or two about that.
Best of luck on your new blog! I look forward to hearing more about the chronicles of Jake (who's Jake anyway??)
Hi, Rick! This is Christina Chen's friend, Beverly. Christina emailed me a link to your blog. I'm running the Philly Half-Marathon with you guys in September (my in-laws live in Philly, so it's a good way for me to get a visit in). Nice to meet you in advance. :) I love blogs and always appreciate the chance to read new ones.
Anyway, the pictures you posted are gorgeous! I've heard that the Blue Ridge Mountains are splendid, and someday perhaps I'll get the chance to see them.
Incidentally, an old acquaintance of mine, Neil Hollenbeck, is a first lieutenant at Fort Bragg. Don't know if you know him, but that would be a small world indeed.
Uncle Dave, - Jake is an old nickname from school. I sometimes use it like an alias randomly when I speak or write about myself in the third person, kinda weird I know, but that's me.
It is nice to meet you in advance as well. You should definitely come down to the Blue Ridge Mountains sometime, they are fantastic!
As for your friend, Neil, I do not know him, but I am sure I'll bump into him sooner or later. What unit is he in?
Hi again, Rick! I'm enjoying reading your entries, so keep up the great work. :) You know, I have no idea what unit Neil is in! I haven't talked to him since he got back from Iraq, and when we did, I was mostly asking about what he experienced there. I shall have to ask him sometime.
Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to you and Christina leaving me in the dust at the half-marathon! Now I'm going to go read your latest posts.
Rick! Cuz! Your blog is great! You look great, by the way!
I'm so impressed! Your grandmother was a fine writer and you have inherited those traits. Thanks for sending me your info. I look forward to analyzing our thoughts on some of these issues!
Love and Great Respect!
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